Administrative Services

One key operational component that will lead to the success of an effective service delivery is a well structured administrative services and procedures. The Hedge Pension Trust therefore has invested in an effective administrative services structure. The Trust provides an efficient front and back officer administration located within Accra. The software for data capturing is competent of managing all complexities of modern fund management. The existing administrative facility (human and software) has the capacity to administer and manage over 70,000 accounts.

Scope Of Services

  1. Members registration and record keeping.
  2. Coordinating members' contributions.
  3. Processing contributions, benefits, transfers and investment returns.
  4. Preparing financial statements of the Scheme for individuals.
  5. Communication with Scheme members through various media means; statements, text messages, website information etc.
  6. Arrange and organize Trustee meetings with service providers.
  7. Arrange and organize Trustee Annual General Meetings with Scheme members to discuss matters arising and operations of the fund.
  8. Make effective follow ups on issues discussed at meeting.
  9. Prepare compliance report and filing to the regulatory body, National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA).
  10. Providing excellent customer services
  11. Producing Quarterly and Annual fund performance report
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